Become a CCAN Action Member, and join our Organizing 101 Miniseries on Mondays in October!
We're in the climate decade and building a people-powered climate movement has never been more important.
That's why we are asking YOU to join our movement of climate activists across MD, DC, VA, West Virginia and beyond. In 2021, we launched our Action Membership program to build a model that focuses on investing in grassroots leaders, deepening community ties, and creating opportunities to engage with our members.
Please sign up as an Action Member, and join our upcoming Action Members-Only Organizing Trainings for a people-powered climate movement. We are organizing people and resources on a local level, building the power of our movement, and identifying strategic opportunities with our volunteers on the ground to advance important climate justice policies.
We want to train dozens of volunteer leaders across the region to do the base building and outreach, make our movement more inclusive and equitable, and build volunteer structures that will outlast any campaign. And that all starts with having teams of people that know how to tell stories–that help others connect with you based on shared values–and how to build relationships for the purposes of moving people towards action.
At these trainings, you'll learn the organizing skills of storytelling and relationship-building, which are essential to move people to take action!
Sign up now to join us on Monday evenings* from 6:30-8:00 PM in October on Zoom!
*On the week of Indigenous Peoples Day, we will be meeting on Tuesday evening instead.
Sign Up Today! CCAN Action Memberships are tax-deductible and you will be joining us in promoting policies that keep fossil fuels in the ground while advancing clean energy across the Chesapeake region and nationwide.
Please choose your membership level below. We recommend spreading your giving throughout the year by setting up a recurring membership which can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually to make renewal easy! By setting up a recurring gift you are providing us with a steady stream of donations, this allows us to budget and plan more effectively for future campaigns.